Week Five - Midterm Progress Reflection

Last week I implemented the barebones version of the primary mechanic of my midterm game, the building. In the implementation I completed last week, the player could place 3 different sized objects into the scene within specified bounds. The player was also given a cursor that showed where the object would be placed and would change colors to reflect if the player was mousing over a legal placement or not. This week, I further refined this mechanic by fixing the collision detection to check if the player is on a legal placement to be more accurate, implementing a grid system so the player can only place objects into the gridded squares for better building. Additionally, I improved the set up of the bounds of the placement area and modeled the desert floor and bathrooms that will serve as dressing for the scene. At the time of writing this, I have been struggling with implementing my secondary mechanic: painting the built object, but Alexander has just provided me with a resource guideline which will hopefully help. I also, however, anticipate some struggles with 3D modeling as that is not my strong suit. Hopefully, I will be able to manage, but if not I will attend the 3D help desk or ask some of my more artistically minded friends for help. Regrettably, I feel as though I am somewhat behind on this project but I am attempting to focus more time and slightly reduce the scope of my project by minimizing the “paperwork” mini-game I had thought up, to complete a polished project on time.